Monday, July 13

The Official Launch! 6 to 9pm!


  1. I hope all you book writers and graffiti writers have a great time you deserve it:)

  2. I hope ur coming down Breez? duet

  3. can i bring my 20 ml

  4. yeah breezy why arent you gonna be there ;( ?

  5. I was hooked up with a copy by a mate known to many writers, and my copy was destroyed with tags on the title page - Duel, Jaws, Puzle, Razor and more... it's on the general edition, and though not 1-of-250, it's a limited edition of just one. I had is jacketed in book industry plastic; this is one unique priceless souvenir. Thankyou. WORD!

  6. What's the go with the launch.. is there any format to it, speakers, displays, goings on or is it just a big gathering of once destructive, now mid life adults, reminiscing of the joys of their teen years..oh, and the celebration of a damn fine book..

  7. wine,cheese and tweed coats with leather elbow patches :) hahahaha

  8. Is there gunna be any brews served up for the night or is it the BYO thing?

  9. LAUNCH NOTE: Alcohol will be avaliable for purchase at the venue.
    There is no BYO.

  10. better get the bouncers to frisk make1 on the way in :)

  11. Ok so its warm in there..can we move it to platy 10 Richmond?

  12. Does he drink as well as sniff chrome?

  13. Let's show these young Fuckwits how to have a good night without eating steroids, smoking ice and bashing up backpackers and other innocent kids like so many inbred troglodytes getting around Melbourne at the moment..

    Artisitc talent, style and steez speak louder than fists, knives and general cretinism..

    Come on Melbourne, you have been an embarassing basket case lately, don't fuck up this event for us. Restore our faith in this once grand city.

    Peace Duplomatic !

  14. make1 will be doing a chroming demonstation on the night and explaing the different highs to be gained from all the key solvents that are now readily available on your local supermarket shelfs , dont miss this one kids


  16. yo yo yohhh ;) to cover my operating costs & push forward to the next level of what im doing,i will be having a stall at the kingsway book launch at acmi (federation square) this sat 18th,6pm,there is gonna be some crazy unique & new style pieces available @bellow retail costs,a lot of theese bits are usualy only available to friends due 2 thier limited nature,anyway this will be a 1 off event so make sure not to miss out yo ;) gaz

  17. YEAH MADZ, FULL EURO STYLEZ PANELZ N SHIT. Seriously graf in Melburn is dead. Graf is dead. This book that we're all pulling ourselves over is all we have left of a killer generation of writers. What you see in Kings Way will never be repeated. The majority of the Art you see nowadays is pretty wak. Disagree all you like - i implore you to take a train ride down the Hursty line. I rest my case.

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  19. Hursty line was a beautiful line that produced many kings. I took a ride down there a few weeks ago. Very sad to see the lack of talent on a line that once was so inspirational. Anyone claiming they run the line today should be ashamed. Lest we forget.

  20. Exactly. Nothing more than bubbly Euro shit that looks like it came out of Denmark or something. What happened to Melbourne having a unique style? The only good shit being produced are the legals by the remaining old school writers.
